Sleeping With Sirens / The World Race collaboration dog tag:
Tag 1: 11 countries 11 months The World Race Sleeping With Sirens
Tag 2: I've got the whole world in front of me. I'm not letting go.
There is a generation of radicals whose heartbeat is to see a changed world. It’s a generation that’s dissatisfied with the status quo and is actively rising to the challenge of seeing the world transformed through tangible expressions of God’s love. World Racers are seeing lives changed in nations all over the world." The World Race dog tag is to fund a fellow 'racer', Ashley Francis. She is leaving for The World Race in July 2012: 11 months, 11 countries. The World Race like any mission trip cost money/fundraisers/donaters/etc so we decided to do a collab of sorts. The 24 inch, stainless steel dog tag, with 4 inch connecting chain is to help raise money and spread the word. 100% of the proceeds will be going to help Ashley gain her goal of $15,000.
These are limited edition as well.
Please visit: ashleyfrancis.theworldrace.org